Share Your Insights. Sizzling Magazine Invites Guest Authors.
Write for Sizzling Magazine and you can share your knowledge with audience world wide. We need experts who can make comprehensive tutorials on Design/Web Design, Internet Marketing, Blog for Money, Technology and Fashion related topics.Please note that we do not entertain guest blog posts for commercial use or for companies.
This option is only intended for Personal Use and individual writing skills promotion based.
We only give One Back link to Author and that Back link should not change in every other post if author intends to write more articles.
We only have one Author bio so You should understand we can’t allow different links every time.
What you get in return?
Your submission will be visible for our entire readers and it will be properly promoted
You are allowed to include One back link.
The Basic Requirement
Creative content
Properly formatted content(list, paragraph, and headings)
WE REQUIRE 2 – 5 images which has a maximum of 700px with proper credits.
We encourage our authors/writers and they get a byline as well. You can get a great exposure to our huge audience. Drop us a mail with your ideas on sizzlingmagazine at gmail dot com. We will contact you back. Or fill this form simply and leave the rest on us!
Please No Commercial Links or else We will Simply Ignore Your Email! For Commercial Links Contact Us Here
For Guest Posts Please fill up this form and leave the rest on us!